Hitodama, the sphere of light, the light soul, detaches from the body at the moment of death in Japanese legends. „Hitodama“ is an attempt to explore Tokyo from a subjective perspective and to approach the abstract idea of suicide from an artistic point of view. Suicide is ubiquitous on the screens in the metro of Tokyo as term „passenger injury“, but as a social phenomenon it seems to be banned from everyday life. „Hitodama“ follows the path of a fictional character through the streets of Tokyo, whose unsettled identity questions the nature of a cultural collective as a disposition. The medium of photography is reflected as a fragmentary fiction that cannot be described by an „it has been like this“, but rather as an „it could have been like this“. On the transparent floor of this fictional world, the mystery becomes visible, the existence of which has become impossible in the neon signs, screens and glas facades of a digitalized and rationalized world.